Why You Should Never Skip Your Post-Workout Cool-Down!
Does this sound familiar to you?
You just got done with an intense full-body workout in your group fitness class at the Monon Community Center (MCC). Wow! You did an amazing job keeping up with your instructor during your warmup and workout, and now it’s time to continue with your day. But wait! You forgot about your post-workout cool-down!
Fast forward an hour or two later. You’ve heard of the “post-workout high,” but you’re not feeling it. In fact – you might even feel worse than before you exercised! This is because just like warming up before you exercise, cooling down after you exercise is an essential part of any fitness routine. Let’s take a closer look at why this step is so important for your body and your recovery!
Warm-Up Vs. Cool-Down — Preparing Your Body for Rest
You start your workout with your body at rest – all your vitals are at normal levels. Warm-ups allow you to gradually increase your heart rate, breathing, flexibility, and core temperature before performing an increased level of activity. In much the same way that warming up helps prepare the body for exercise, cooling down prepares it to reenter rest.
“After your workout, your body is left in a heightened state. Your heart is beating fast, your body temperature is high, and your blood flow has increased. Cool-downs allow your body to return to pre-exercise levels,” says Shannon Strzynski, Fitness & Wellness Supervisor. “If you try to force your body back into a state of rest immediately after exercising, you may feel dizzy, sick, or other negative side effects.”
How it Works
Cooling down is important because it immediately starts the recovery process for your body. When you skip your cooldown, you’re depriving your body of the time and tools it needs to recover, putting unnecessary strain on your heart. According to one source, cooling down after your workout lets the heart and blood pressure slowly recover to pre-exercise levels. An abrupt dip in heart rate or blood pressure can cause dizziness, vomiting, or fainting.
Skipping your cool-down can also cause DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness), resulting in stiff muscles and joints. If you stop abruptly after pushing your body during your workout, you’re forcing it to work harder for longer to cool itself down. Instead of 5-10 minutes, it might be hours before your body returns to normal levels. Not only does this impede your ability to improve, but it can also make your body more susceptible to injury.
Remember that “post-workout high” we mentioned earlier? This feeling is caused by a chemical reaction in the brain. Feel-good chemicals like serotonin and dopamine are released during the cool-down process, promoting feelings of happiness and well-being
“Cool-downs also allow you to build on your progress,” says Strzynski. “Taking a few minutes after an intense full-body workout to stretch, slow your breathing, or go for a light walk ensures that your muscles have time to rest and reset. That way you can walk into your next workout stronger and ready to push yourself harder to reach that next milestone.”
Other benefits include:
- Increased flexibility and mobility
- Controlled blood flow
- Improved heart rate over time
Simple Cool-down Techniques to Try Yourself
Any activity that involves slowly and intentionally lowering your heart rate can be considered part of the cool down process.
If you’re attending one of our group fitness classes, your instructor will lead you in a cool down after your workout. But if you’re exercising solo, we recommend simple cool down techniques such as:
- Going for a light jog or run
- Upper body stretch
- Seated forward bend
- Child’s pose
Now you know why it’s never a good idea to skip your post-workout cool-down! Find your next group fitness class here, or read more helpful fitness tips + tricks on our blog.