Extended School Enrichment,
an After School Program
2025-26 Extended School Enrichment registration
- Early bird registration will open via EZChildTrack on Saturday, April 19 at 9 a.m.
- General registration will open on Monday, April 21 at 9 a.m.
Extended School Enrichment (ESE) is founded on the belief that every student is capable of success. We are committed to setting high expectations and assuring the development of a strong foundation in basic life skills. The program offers quality care to all children enrolled in K-6 within Carmel Clay Schools.
Each of the 11 elementary school sites will have the same core components of ESE, with each school customized to serve the best interests of the students and parents/guardians. Our supervisors and counselors act as mentors to students while teaching fundamental skills. We cannot wait for your child(ren) to attend our program this year!
ESE After School Enrollment Cap
The safety of our students and staff is our highest priority at ESE. Due to the nationwide labor shortage, ESE has struggled to hire staff to accommodate our daily student attendance in our after-school programs. As a result, we have made the difficult decision to implement enrollment caps at all 11 sites for the 2024-25 school year.
Enrollment Option |
School Year Option |
Occasional Option |
Registration Fee | $50/Participant | $75/Participant |
Monthly Fee | Varies by month, based on number of program days; average monthly fee is $315/participant | $81/Participant per month |
Attendance Parameters | Able to attend every program day during calendar month | Attend up to 3 times during program month for $81; invoiced at $27/visit after allotment of 3 visits |
2024-25 School Year Rates
Payments made thru EZChildTrack work best in Google Chrome. All EZChildTrack website functions may not be available when using a mobile device.
Autopay will run the first of each month and is required when enrolling for ESE after school.
Monthly Rates for the 2023-24 School Year (School year enrollment option)
$356 September 2024
$356 October 2024
$320 November 2024
$285 December 2024
$250 January 2025
$320 February 2025
$338 March 2025
$374 April 2025
$285 May 2025
$267 -
2024-25 School's Out Camps
School’s Out Camps
Camps are located at the Jill Perelman Pavilion (West Park) + Wilfong Pavilion (Founders Park).
You must register in advance for the dates in the table below on EZChildTrack. Registration opens 9 a.m.
*Email ese@carmelclayparks.com to be added to the waiting list
$50/day Registration Closed
Parent-Teacher Conference (Nov 8)
For waiting list email: ese@carmelclayparks.com
$50/day Registration Closed
Winter Break Session 1 (Dec 23 + 26-27)
$50/day Registration Closed
Winter Break Session 2 (Dec 30 + Jan 2-3) $50/day Registration Closed
Winter Break Final Day (Jan 6)
$50/day Registration Closed
Martin Luther King Jr. Day (Jan 20) $50/day November 1
President’s Day (Feb 17) $50/day November 1
Spring Break (April 4-11) $50/day February 1
2024-25 Registration Dates
Registration for 2024-25 Extended School Enrichment opening soon.
- Early bird registration will open via EZChildTrack on Saturday, May 4 at 8 a.m.
- General registration will open on Monday, May 6 at 8 a.m.
Monthly Rates for the 2024-25 School Year (School year enrollment option)
$356 September
$356 October
$320 November
$285 December
$250 January
$320 February
$338 March
$374 April
$285 May
Program Schedule
After School Care
- 2:20 – 2:30 p.m. Student Sign-In
- 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. Snack & Recess
- 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. Academic Assistance & 1st Enrichment Clubs
- 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. 2nd Enrichment Clubs
- 5:30 – 6:00 p.m. Daily Wrap-Up
*Program schedule may vary depending on school site.
Benefits of ESE
Our after-school program prioritizes a safe environment for every student, thus providing parents/guardians a high level of confidence in our team. We also recognize that our program’s success is driven by student voice and choice; therefore, we place a very high level of importance on listening to student input and acting upon student ideas.
How do I register?
Registration for 2025-26 Extended School Enrichment opening soon.
- Early bird registration (for currently enrolled 2024-25 families): April 19 at 9 a.m .
- New family registration: April 21 at 9 a.m.
New Parents/Guardians
New ESE parents/guardians must create a family account (see link below) and select “New Parents Open Account”.Returning Parents/Guardians
Returning parents/guardians can use the link below, and will enter their email and password to log into their existing account. From there, parents/guardians can submit their application for their child to attend ESE and pay the prerequisite registration fee per child. Once this step has been completed, the parent/guardian will receive an automated email stating that their registration for ESE was a success.Please note, ESE application for enrollment must be submitted via EZChildTrack a minimum of 2 business days prior to expected student attendance.
- Parent/Guardian Guide
How will I receive confirmation of enrollment and know when my child(ren) can start?
After the ESE enrollment application is successfully submitted for approval, you will receive a notification email. The parent/guardian will receive a second registration approval email. Once this second email is received, the child(ren) can begin attending the registered program that day.
Once the registration approval email is received, the parent/guardian must update the Carmel Clay Schools (CCS) School Dismissal Manager. If you need assistance with this step in the process, you must contact your child’s elementary school office.
Please note ESE applications for enrollment must be submitted via EZChildTrack a minimum of 2 business days prior to expected student attendance.
How do I cancel or transfer my enrollments?
Due to limited space within ESE program, student enrollment cannot be put “on hold” due to family travel or extended absence. When a participant is enrolled in the ESE afterschool program, the parent/guardian is securing their spot for the entire school year. If de-enrolled from the program, the parent/guardian will be required to re-enroll, and there is no guarantee the spot will still be available.
All cancellation requests will require a 3-week notice. The effective date for any changes will coincide with the 1st of the following month and will allow for billing to be changed prior to any auto-payment.
All transfer requests must be submitted at least 3 weeks prior to the start of enrollment for a new calendar month. Transfer requests will be based on current openings and waiting lists for both school year and occasional care programs. Transfers between the two program options will be limited to once per semester. If transferring from school year to occasional care, the parent/guardian will be required to pay the $25/student difference between the registration fees. If transferring from occasional care to school year, no refund will be issued.
School’s Out Camp (SOC) Cancellation + Transfer Request – English & Spanish
If an account is delinquent past 30 days, the account will be placed in suspension, and student’s attendance will be prohibited until past due fees are paid in full. If the past due balance exceeds 60 days, the student will be de-enrolled.
What activities will my child be doing at ESE?
An array of clubs are offered each day within the ESE program ranging from board games and drawing, to STEM and fuse beading. Click here to see an example of clubs offered.
If your child is registered, you may view their site-specific activities when logged in to your EZChildTrack. Go to the Bulletins section on the right-hand side and click on your child’s school for more information.
Academic Assistance Statement
The Extended School Enrichment program will provide time for your child(ren) to work on homework while at ESE. ESE will provide supplies and a quiet space to students during the academic assistance portion of the afterschool program. ESE will provide alternative activities and options to students who do not have homework or have already completed their homework.
Students are responsible for bringing the necessary homework with them to the ESE program. Trips back to the classroom to retrieve work that was left behind is not always an option. Students are responsible for knowing what homework needs to be completed. Please ask your child’s Site Supervisor about their policy on using Chromebooks during Academic Assistance time.
Please note that ESE does not offer one-on-one tutoring for participants. Parents and guardians, please check your child’s homework at home to ensure completion and accuracy of work. Communicate with your child’s ESE Site Supervisor if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s homework.
Inclusion Statement
Inclusion Statement
Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation’s Extended School Enrichment (ESE) program is committed to being an inclusive program. Our inclusion model allows participants of many different ability levels to join our ESE program. Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation (CCPR) is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) through making reasonable modifications as required by the ADA. In addition, CCPR is dedicated to non-discrimination in the provision of programs, services, and activities to the public.
Contact for Additional Information
For more info on modifications and supports please contact Aimee Rich, Inclusion and Engagement Supervisor, at 317.843.3866 or arich@carmelclayparks.com.
How do I request a modification?
ADA Modifications
CCPR’s ESE program is committed to being an inclusive program. We are dedicated to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). By making reasonable modifications, our inclusion model allows participants of many ability levels to join our ESE programs.
For general questions about our program process and inclusive services, please contact Aimee Rich, Inclusion + Engagement Supervisor, at 317.843.3866 or arich@carmelclayparks.com.
Behavior Guidelines + Expectations
We expect staff and participants alike to demonstrate the R.I.C.H.E.R. principles of RESPECT, INTEGRITY, CARING, HARMONY, EXCELLENCE and RESPONSIBILITY. Children who fail to exhibit these character traits will be counseled by our staff. We have trained all employees to use positive discipline approaches to modify behavior including redirection, personal reflection time, mindfulness exercises, and removal from activity until more positive choices can be displayed. We deeply respect children and will never participate in any forms of physical or corporal punishment, including spanking, hitting, using exercise as a punishment, etc.
Our goal is to keep you informed of your child’s behavior choices, both positive and opportunities for improvement. When a child makes a positive choice, they will receive a R.I.C.H.E.R. “Right”-up and you will be notified with details. Chronic or severe behaviors that require improvement to safely participate in ESE programs will also be shared through an emailed behavior report and subsequent phone call, if warranted.
Behavior Guidelines are enforced:
By all staff members at all times.
- In substantial part by adult role modeling.
- Using techniques that promote the growth of positive self-esteem.
- As close to the source as is possible.
- By holding students accountable for their actions.
- By keeping parents informed.
- By limiting group discipline to a maximum of 1 minute.
- Through the implementation of the Behavior Consequence Rubric / Lista De Consecuencias Del Comportamiento
Medication Policy + Procedure
Whether a participant needs to take a medication regularly after-school or needs their emergency medicine close at hand during the program, our staff have it covered. We will request a parent/guardian to complete our Medication Permission Log which will serve as the parent’s permission to give the medication as well as serve as a log for when staff administer the medication. Any medication participants need while enrolled in ESE should be provided in the original container. Unless the medication is utilized for quick-relief, emergency purposes, the medication will be locked and stored on-site at ESE. Emergency medications will stay with the adults supervising the child for whom the medication belongs. With the parent’s permission, older children may self-carry emergency medications. ESE must receive a child’s medication for exclusive use during the program. We are unable to access the nurse’s station after school hours.
Children’s allergies are disclosed by the parent/guardian at the time of enrollment. Staff keep a running list of all participants with allergies and are diligent in keeping these children safe by monitoring them and all their ESE activities.
Please contact the Site Supervisor if your child has any outstanding medical needs and/or allergies. We work with each family on a case-by-case basis to ensure safe participation.
ESE appreciates parents/guardians providing the Site Supervisor any school forms related to health (i.e., asthma action plan, seizure action plan, etc.).
ESE does not provide over-the-counter (OTC) medication (e.g. Benadryl, Tylenol, etc). Parents/guardians may provide OTC medication for their child’s exclusive use at ESE with a completed Medication Permission Log.
Weather Policy + Program Closure
Students Report to School, but School is Canceled
ESE after school program will not run if school is canceled and will work closely with the school personnel to ensure all students are sent home by way of the method in which their parent/guardian has indicated.
School is Canceled and Students Do NOT Report
In the event of CCS school closure, the ESE program will not run.
School’s Out Camp Delays and Cancellations
Since School’s Out camps do not occur around the school day, the decision to delay or cancel rests with the ESE Director. ESE staff will alert families of enrolled participants via email and text message in the event of a delay or cancellation. Information can also be found on CCPR website and social media.
Scholarships (Based Upon Federal Poverty Guidelines)
ESE Scholarship Applications for 2024-25
ESE and SOC scholarship applications will open July 15th at 9 a.m.
Scholarship Application Link 2024-25
ESE will honor CCS free and reduced lunch status as documentation of financial (scholarship) need, with students receiving free lunch qualifying for a 90% fee waiver and those receiving reduced lunch qualifying for a 45% fee waiver. Scholarship awards will be based on enrollment availability within the program as well as funding. The annual registration fee must be satisfied regardless of lunch status. Families who apply for financial assistance for ESE afterschool program must provide proof that parents/guardians are employed and/or are full-time students and need afterschool care while they work or go to school. If financial assistance is awarded, the ESE account must remain current. If not, services will be canceled after 60 days, and future enrollment may not be possible.
ESE afterschool scholarship status does NOT include School’s Out camps or Summer Camp Series. Separate scholarship applications must be submitted for each of these programs.
ESE SOC Scholarship Applications for 2024-25
ESE and SOC scholarship applications will open July 15th at 9 a.m.
Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation (CCPR) seeks to provide opportunities for all to participate in School’s Out Camp programs by providing scholarships to families currently attending Carmel Clay Schools. Need is the primary criterion upon which a scholarship is considered. Need is determined by total household income in relation to a percentage multiple of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. Scholarship will be awarded in the amount of 25%, 50% or 75% of the published program fees. Accepted program participants are expected to pay 100% of the registration fee. SOC scholarship cannot be applied to Monon Community Center (MCC), Extended School Enrichment (ESE), or Summer Camp Series (SCS) programs. Please complete the appropriate application for MCC, ESE, or SCS scholarship consideration.
Partner in Prevention
Continued Service Through “Partner in Prevention”
We have achieved “Partner in Prevention” status again this year, a designation awarded by the nonprofit Darkness to Light. This title is given to organizations which take extra steps to protect the children they serve. “Partner in Prevention” was created as a national standard to help parents and caregivers recognize organizations that take child protection seriously by implementing policy and training staff to prevent child sexual abuse.
One in 10 children will be sexually abused before the age of 18. We earned the “Partner in Prevention” designation by providing Stewards of Children training to over 90% of its management, staff, and volunteers. This evidence-informed program is scientifically proven to help participants prevent and respond to child sexual abuse.
Darkness to Light is an international organization that leads the movement to end child sexual abuse by educating and empowering adults in education, youth-serving organizations, and communities to protect children.
ESE/Summer Camp Program Participant Agreement
Each parent must complete this waiver upon initial enrollment in ESE and Summer Camp Series.

"The staff--They are incredible. They know my children, are extremely attentive to their needs, make programming that the kids love, and are wonderful people. ESE Parent
ESE School Sites
If you have questions during the school year, please reach out to one of our staff members for help. We are here to make your family’s time in our after school program the absolute best it can be!
General Information
Carmel Elementary
Jarred Crossleyjcrossley@carmelclayparks.com
Cherry Tree Elementary
Monica Haddockmhaddock@carmelclayparks.com
Clay Center Elementary
Alyssa Holstenaholsten@carmelclayparks.com
College Wood Elementary
Allison Werichawerich@carmelclayparks.com
Forest Dale Elementary
Valeska Simmondsvsimmonds@carmelclayparks.com
Mohawk Trails Elementary
Cyndi Canadaccanada@carmelclayparks.com
Prairie Trace Elementary
Joey Castillojcastillo@carmelclayparks.com
Smoky Row Elementary
Graham Cecilgcecil@carmelclayparks.com
Towne Meadow Elementary
Amanda Craigacraig@carmelclayparks.com
West Clay Elementary
Jennifer Hammonsjhammons@carmelclayparks.com
Woodbrook Elementary
Jennifer Lucerojlucero@carmelclayparks.com
Extended School Enrichment Rules
- In order to alleviate some of the congestion during heavy pick up times, we respectfully ask all parents/guardians to call/text the site phone 15-20 minutes in advance of their arrival so we can have their child ready to go. Conversations about an ESE student’s program participation (e.g. behavior, account questions, etc) will not take place at sign-in/sign-out to help expedite the process. If a parent/guardian needs to discuss any aspect of their child’s ESE participation, we ask that they request a phone call from a supervisor to occur before or after program hours. Staff will work diligently to ensure that this follow-up occurs promptly upon the parent/guardian’s request.
- Students are only released to individuals listed as “authorized pick-ups” who must be at least 16 years of age and must be listed within the participant’s online account. All ESE staff is required to check identification of authorized individuals.
- Late fees will be assessed to any pick-ups after 6:00 p.m.; the charge is $1 for every minute late per child (e.g. a child picked up at 6:04 p.m. equals a late fee charge of $4).
Due to limited space within ESE program, student enrollment cannot be put “on hold” due to family travel or extended absence. When a participant is enrolled in the ESE afterschool program, the parent/guardian is securing their spot for the entire school year. If de-enrolled from the program, the parent/guardian will be required to re-enroll, and there is no guarantee the spot will still be available.
All cancelation requests will require a 3 week notice. The effective date for any changes will coincide with the 1st of the following month and will allow for billing to be changed prior to any auto-payment.
All transfer requests must be submitted at least 3 weeks prior to the start of enrollment for a new calendar month. Transfer requests will be based on current openings and waiting lists for both school year and occasional care programs. Transfers between the two program options will be limited to once per semester. If transferring from school year to occasional care, the parent/guardian will be required to pay the $25/student difference between the registration fees. If transferring from occasional care to school year, no refund will be issued.
If an account is delinquent past 30 days, the account will be placed in suspension, and student’s attendance will be prohibited until past due fees are paid in full. If the past due balance exceeds 60 days, the student will be de-enrolled.
- All cancellation/refund requests must be submitted via (link coming soon) and (link coming soon).
- CCPR will issue a full refund if the department cancels a camp/class.
- Cancellations for a camp week or class must be requested a minimum of three weeks from the respective start date. A refund of the weekly camp fee, less a $10 service charge for cancellation per camp week, per participant will be issued.
- Daily camp or class fee will not be prorated.
- All refunds are subject to the State Board of Accounts claim procedure and may take three to five weeks. Refunds may be issued in the form of a check.
- There is no fee to be placed on the waitlist. If a spot becomes available, the participant’s parent/guardian prioritized at the top of the waitlist will be notified via email. The parent/guardian will have 24 hours from the time of notification to enroll. If enrollment is not completed, the next participant’s parent/guardian will be notified.
- ESE staff and students will practice live emergency drills throughout the school year simulating various emergencies to ensure proper preparation in the case of an actual crisis during the ESE program.