Smiling dog at the dog park

Central Dog Park

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Central Dog Park

Woof woof! For our two-legged friends, that translates to, “Welcome!” Central Dog Park in Carmel is our first park just for four-legged friends. This park features areas for small and large dogs, green space to play, benches, shelters, dog waste stations, and a lock-and-key entry system.

The small shelter within the dog park provides a shaded, central gathering place for two-legged visitors. Other amenities within the Central Park North Campus include an open meadow, picnic shelter, and restroom facility. The Monon Greenway, Interurban Trail, and all trails within Central Park are easily accessible via short connecting trails.

The Central Dog Park currently has 800 four-legged members. Membership is currently full, but interested applicants are welcome to apply for the waitlist.

Dog Park Area

Current Status

All Dog Area
Small Turf
Amy Edenburn Furry Memorial Dog Trail


Dog Park registrations occur twice per year. Once in the Spring and once in the Fall. Openings for new members are determined by available spots left by canceled memberships within that period. Please add yourself to the waitlist by filling out our Waitlist Application Form if you are interested in joining our park in the future

Membership to the Central Dog Park is $12/month. At the time of initial registration, a $60 application fee is required to cover DNA testing through PooPrints™. The purpose of DNA testing is to eliminate a known problem from occurring so dogs, humans, and the environment are all protected. Click here to read more on how DNA testing can mitigate un-scooped dog waste and improve cleanliness and sanitation inside the park.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why are there set hours and time changes?

A: We wanted to maximize the amount of time the park would be open during all seasons without having to take daylight savings into account. In 2019 we finished the last phase of lighting installation. To properly maintain the space, we have set aside designated hours for our maintenance team to clean up and evaluate the park’s use. Click here for hours of operation and rules.

Q: Did you gather input as far as what should be included in the park?

A: Yes. In 2012, we conducted a feasibility study that contained maintenance standards, rules of use, and user fees. In April of 2015, we met with an Advisory Committee and went through the Operations Plan, which included our findings and recommendations for membership rates, the selection process, features/amenities to include, dog DNA, et cetera.

Q: How large is the dog park?

A: Central Dog Park is approximately 3 acres and fully enclosed by a 4-foot high fence.

Q: What are the features and amenities?

A: During the initial phase of the dog park we focused on basic elements needed to operate and keep pet owners comfortable. The plans were kept simple so they would allow for growth based on users’ feedback and wear and tear of the park. A double-gated entrance ensures dogs cannot easily escape as visitors come and go. Designated areas are provided for small and other dogs. Existing trees were preserved and incorporated into one side of the other dog area. A small shelter within the dog park provides a shaded, central gathering place for the two-legged visitors. Drinking fountains for dogs and humans are also available. The dog park is irrigated to help better maintain the grass within the fence.

Other amenities within the Central Park North Campus include a new open meadow, picnic shelter, and restroom facilities all conveniently located by the dog park. The Monon Greenway, Interurban Trail, and all of the trails within Central Park are easily accessible via short trails connecting into the existing 116th Street perimeter trail.

We plan to regularly survey our members to receive feedback regarding operations, as well as amenities offered. Potential amenities for future phases could include shade structure benches or a dog wash station. Ultimately, it is for our members to decide what they would like to see in years to come.

Q: How many dogs can I have as members?

A: There is a limit of 3 dogs per household. Each dog will need to be listed on the registration form.

Q: Can anyone enter the dog park at any time?

A: No. The dog park has a lock and key entry system, which means each member will be assigned a key fob that will grant them access through the gates. Gates will be locked down during maintenance and company event times.

Q: What are the rules and regulations?

A: Rules and regulations of the Central Dog Park can be found online by clicking here. Please note that these are for the dog park specifically. All other park rules apply. Park rules are listed at the bottom of this page.

Q: Why did you decide to do DNA testing for the dogs?

A: As a department, we want to make sure we provide the cleanest parks, greenways, and facilities we can for the community. Dog feces is extremely harmful to the environment, and according to a NY Times post, 40% of Americans do not pick up after their dogs, and of those individuals, 44% indicated they would not pick up even if asked. Dog feces carry dangerous pathogens. With the Central Dog Park lying in a watershed, these pathogens would pollute our freshwater supply. Did you know dog waste is the No. 3 cause of water pollution? The goal of DNA testing is to eliminate a known problem from occurring so that the dogs, humans, and environment are all protected. Click here to read more on how DNA testing can mitigate un-scooped dog waste and improve cleanliness and sanitation inside the park.

Q: Are you accepting sponsorships?

A: Yes! For more information, email or call 317-573-4017.

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1427 E. 116th Street
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  • Large dog area
  • Small dog area
  • Restrooms
  • Shelter
  • Seasonal Drinking Fountain


Anne Marie Bessler
Recreation & Facilities Admin Assistant



Waitlist Request

Incident Report


Rules + Hours

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General Park Rules

For the safety and enjoyment of everyone, please follow these rules and courtesies


  • Open Year-Round: 5 AM – 9 PM
  • Closed Monday mornings from 5 AM -10 AM for maintenance 
  • May be closed intermittently for department events


  • Vaccination and membership tags must be displayed at all times, owners must have identification readily available, and random checks will be conducted by CCPR


  • Bag and dispose of pet waste
  • Owners may be subject to fines for not properly cleaning up after dog
  • Place all litter in appropriate trash containers
  • Digging is prohibited
  • Guardians must prevent digging and fill in any holes their dog may dig
  • Glass containers are prohibited within parks and greenways
  • Drive and park only on roadways and designated parking areas
  • Wildlife and vegetation should not be disturbed


  • Pet owners accept full responsibility for themselves and their pets
  • Dogs that bark persistently or exhibit aggressive or dangerous behavior are prohibited 
  • Dogs are to be within line of sight and voice command at all times 
  • Dogs are to be leashed before entering and leaving the fenced in area
  • Dogs larger than 35 lbs are prohibited from the small dog area
  • With the exception of wheelchairs or other assistive equipment, wheeled pr motorized vehicles are prohibited 
  • Adult supervision (a member 16+ years old) must be present at all times and is solely responsible for their dog(s)  
  • Children under 11 years of age are prohibited 
  • Dog equipment is for dogs use only 
  • Food (dog or human) is prohibited 
  • Training treats are permitted


  • Parks are tobacco, alcohol, e-cigarette, vaping, and drug-free zone
  • Soliciting or use of parks for profit is prohibited without a permit
  • Avoid playing loud music that disturbs others
  • Help keep wildlife wild – Please do not feed waterfowl or wild animals
  • Refer to Central Park North Campus rules at entrance for the park 

For the full list of park & greenway rules, please click here

Personal assistive mobility devices may be used in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act

Report inappropriate conduct to Carmel Police: 317.733.1282
Report maintenance concerns to Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation: 317.573.4044