How Group Fitness Classes Helped Margo M. Continue Adventuring After Retirement

MCC member discusses how group fitness classes have improved her everyday life, from kayaking to playing with her grandkids!  

After Margo M. retired, she knew she wanted to keep her body healthy and her mind sharp so she could continue living life to the fullest. When Margo and her husband heard about the Monon Community Center (MCC) through Current in Carmel in 2017, they knew it was the perfect place to build their fitness community.  

Margo enjoyed the convenience of having year-round access to amenities like the indoor track, and taking one-on-one training sessions with a personal trainer, but she felt like an important component of her fitness journey was still missing. It wasn’t until Margo tried her first group fitness class in 2018 that she truly began her journey towards better living.  

Friendliness is The Key  

Many of us are at our most vulnerable when we’re exercising, so it makes sense why group fitness may seem intimidating at first.  

“I think people are afraid to join a group fitness class when they don’t know anyone or feel like they don’t belong there. That apprehension is understandable,” says Margo.  

The retiree had similar doubts, but she was immediately blown away by the kindness that greeted her in Silver Sneakers, a fitness program specifically designed for older adults.   

“My love of group fitness classes started with Silver Sneakers. The wonderful welcoming atmosphere of the instructor, Josephine, and the people who attended the class put me right at ease. Their friendliness towards novice exercisers made all the difference!”

A Dance Party for all Ages and Abilities 

Since then, Margo has participated in several other group fitness classes — Strictly Strength, Zumba, High Fit Lo Fit, and Yoga, to name a few!   MCC member Margo alongside her favorite fitness instructor, Julie S.

Margo says that picking her favorite group fitness class “is like choosing what day of summer is [her] favorite,” but one class stands out in particular: Zumba. She loves the excitement and energy of the half dance, half workout class, but group fitness instructor Julie is what makes the experience one of a kind. 

“Julie has such an exceptionally joyful, exuberant and interactive personality that makes her such a passionate fitness motivator for everyone in class,” says Margo. “Her positivity and enthusiasm make us all feel like we are at a dance party, no matter what our age or ability! As if this weren’t enough, the music she chooses also has such infectious, upbeat rhythms.” 

MCC group fitness instructors like Julie are dedicated to helping participants meet their fitness goals, plus have a little fun along the way!

Keeping Up with Life’s Adventures  

Margo enjoys kayaking and canoeing in her spare time, both of which require substantial muscle strength in the arms, shoulders and chest. The repetitive movement of paddling also requires a degree of flexibility to avoid straining muscles and joints. Thanks to group fitness classes like Strength and Stretch, Margo can continue her adventures on the water.  

Margo Kayaking around Amelia Island.

“I continue to be able to kayak and canoe six years after retirement,” says Margo. “My husband and I are headed on a four-day canoe trip in Utah’s Labyrinth Canyon with our son and daughter in-law in a few months, and I could not have kept up with these adventures without group fitness classes at the MCC.”  

Group fitness classes have even helped Margo keep up with the adventures of everyday life, like playing with her grandkids. The simple action of bending down and getting back up becomes harder as we age, but maintaining an active lifestyle can help improve balance and prevent falls.  

The MCC has also improved Margo’s life in other ways.  

“I have been able to radically lower my blood pressure, as well as cut a couple medications in half. I have also made several new and good friends because of these classes. I am so grateful to the Monon Community Center and its staff for unlocking my potential.”  

MCC member Margo and her favorite instructor, Julie S.

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